Security System Services

Our Security and Surveillance Solutions Services include IP CCTV Systems, Access Control, Intrusion Detection, License Plate Recognition, Parking Systems and Smart Fleet Management and Monitoring Systems.

IT Services

We provide Technology Consulting, IT Facilities Management, LAN, WAN Networking, Virtual Private Network, Security and Surveillance Solutions​.


Our IoT technology consists of multiple layers, including device hardware, connectivity, data management, applications, analytics and security.

(DAOC-IT®) Contemporary Technology for IT Company

Your Partner in GIS,Homeland Security and Telcommunication Business

Applications Design And Development In Saudi

We know that the important stuff in life is not things but experiences, so we‘ll build any applications that will in turn reflect your business and capabilities in our new virtual world. Business has since moved from mortar and bricks that is why your need to put everything behind your website and general digital presence.

IT Services

We provide Technology Consulting, IT Facilities Management, LAN, WAN Networking, Virtual Private Network, Security and Surveillance Solutions​.

Security System Services

Our Security and Surveillance Solutions Services include IP CCTV Systems, Access Control, Intrusion Detection, License Plate Recognition, Parking Systems and Smart Fleet Management and Monitoring Systems.​


Our IoT technology consists of multiple layers, including device hardware, connectivity, data management, applications, analytics and security.

Read our latest news | IOT New System
